Dog Health
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
  Dog Health - What is it with Labradors
Dog Health

What is it with Labradors?

Cute, cuddly, likeable, loveable, you name the description, they all apply. The one thing they lack however in “bucket loads” is……’ve got it…”Common Sense”!

Elmo (our Black Labrador / Border Collie cross - 50 lbs of fun, fur and chaos!) is a loveable kind of dog, very affectionate but when it comes to Common sense he must have been out chewing a bone when it was handed out because for such an intelligent dog he has very little of it and I mean little.

He’s taken to trying to bury dog biscuits……..inside the house and not outside! It’s quite laughable really to watch him from a point where he can’t really see you (or perhaps he can and it’s all a wind up?) and see him nudging the biscuit one way with his nose and then the other etc. It’s all very well but not quite so funny when you are coming down the stairs in the morning with a tray and your foot connects with either one or several of these “hidden items” and causes a major panic attack!

I think the real problem lies with the fact that because he is now over the 50 lb mark that everyone looks at him as being an adult dog and nobody takes into consideration that he still is only 14 months old and therefore is very much a big kid.

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I guess thats why I appear to keep on banging on about SitStayFetch. If you buy it from the link above then we earn a commission for the sale. It was fun working our way through it and to be totally honest the one thing that you have to take from all of these books is that you have to adapt and use what works for you. As no doubt many of you have found out - no dog is the same! So go on try it out at SitStayFetch

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